[Gluster-users] Sharding?

Gandalf Corvotempesta gandalf.corvotempesta at gmail.com
Fri Mar 10 11:58:57 UTC 2017

2017-03-10 11:39 GMT+01:00 Cedric Lemarchand <yipikai7 at gmail.com>:
> I am still asking myself how such bug could happen on a clustered storage software, where adding bricks is a base feature for scalable solution, like Gluster. Or maybe is it that STM releases are really under tested compared to LTM ones ? Could we states that STM release are really not made for production, or at least really risky ?

This is the same i've reported some months ago.
I think it's probably the worst thing in gluster. Tons of critical
bugs for critial features (that are also the basis features for a
storage software) that lead to data loss and still to be merged.

This kind of bugs *MUST* be addressed, fixed and released *ASAP*, not
after months and months and are still waiting for a review.

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