[Gluster-users] fault tolerance (using multiple backup servers)

Markus Ueberall markus.ueberall at gmail.com
Mon May 18 20:13:01 UTC 2015

(@Carlos: Your reply to my answer seemingly did not reach this list, so
I just quote it below and reply to your first post)

Dear Carlos,

According to "man mount.glusterfs", you can provide a colon separated
list of backup servers using the "backup-volfile-servers" option (note
the slightly changed naming):
# mount -t glusterfs -obackup-volfile-servers=<server2>:...:<serverN>\
    <server1>:/<volname> <mount_point>

This should be equivalent to the following /etc/fstab entry you'd use:
<server1>:/<volname> <mount_point> glusterfs defaults,_netdev, \
    backup-volfile-servers=<server2>:<server3> 0 0

However, when I tried the above using /usr/sbin/glusterfs version 3.6.3
which maps this to the following call, I saw in the log that the
secondary/third servers were not contacted when the first was
unavailable (i.e., mounting failed in that case):
# /usr/sbin/glusterfs --volfile-server=<server1> \
    --volfile-server=<server2> --volfile-server=<server3> \
    --volfile-id=/<volname> <mount_point>

So while the above answers your question, you might be affected by bug
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1222678 as well.

Kind regards, Markus

Am 18.05.2015 um 02:08 schrieb Carlos J. Herrera:
> Hello people.
> How I can use backupvolfile-server with 3 server??

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