[Gluster-users] Performance loss from 3.4.2 to 3.6.2

Nico Schottelius nico-gluster-users at schottelius.org
Wed Feb 11 23:07:33 UTC 2015


switching from 3.4.2 to 3.6.2 reduces our average test performance dramatically.

Our test setup: directly connected 1 GBit/s hosts setup with:

    rm -rf /home/gluster/.glusterfs/
    rm /home/gluster/*
    setfattr -x trusted.glusterfs.volume-id  /home/gluster/
    setfattr -x trusted.gfid /home/gluster/
    gluster volume create xfs-plain replica 2 transport tcp vmhost1-cluster1:/home/gluster vmhost2-cluster1:/home/gluster
    gluster volume start xfs-plain

Afterwards we run our near real world test

    mount -t glusterfs vmhost1-cluster1:/xfs-plain /mnt/gluster/
    while true; do dd if=redmine-from-ceph-20150204 of=/mnt/gluster/testvm bs=1M; rm /mnt/gluster/testvm; done

The results are

    3.4.2: ~71-72 MiB/s     [ubuntu 14.04]
    3.6.2: ~59-64 MiB/s     [gluster-3.6 ppa]

We have removed 3.6.2 and re-installed 3.4.2 and can consistently reproduce
these numbers over hours of testing.

Is there any configuration change that we need to incorporate to run
3.6.2 faster or is this a known problem?



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