[Gluster-users] replace brick

Emmanuel Dreyfus manu at netbsd.org
Sat Feb 7 09:01:25 UTC 2015


What is the right way to replace a dead brick with glusterfs 3.6?

The old brick is listen in gluster volume status as being unavaiable.

If I try to remove it I get an error, because the volume is replicated
and I should remove bricks by pairs.
# gluster volume remove-brick tmp  cubi:/wd1 force 
Removing brick(s) can result in data loss. Do you want to Continue?
(y/n) y
volume remove-brick commit force: failed: Remove brick incorrect brick
count of 1 for replica 2

If I try to replace it by itself I get an error because the brick
# gluster volume replace-brick tmp cubi:/wd1 cubi:/wd1 commit force 
volume replace-brick: failed: Brick: cubi:/wd1 not available. Brick may
be containing or be contained by an existing brick

I guess there is a trick but I do not wee what is it.

Emmanuel Dreyfus
manu at netbsd.org

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