[Gluster-infra] Added new admin to maintainers mailinglist

Michael Scherer mscherer at redhat.com
Mon Feb 17 09:25:58 UTC 2020

Le lundi 17 février 2020 à 10:21 +0100, Niels de Vos a écrit :
> Hi,
> sankarshan at kadalu.io has been added to the admins/owners of the
> maintainers list and he received login details off-list.
> There were no admins listed anymore, not sure who deleted those since
> a
> few weeks? list-admin at gluster.org has been added as well, it seems
> this
> address is used for (all?) others lists too.

Yup, that's the one used by default when we create a list. Easier to 
manage a alias with ansible than do it directly in mailman. 

I guess that mailman might remove people if their email start to bounce
or something, but I am not 100% sure.

Michael Scherer / He/Il/Er/Él
Sysadmin, Community Infrastructure

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