[Gluster-devel] [Largefile-Replica-3 with Shard] Performance report for Gluster Upstream - 21/05/2022 Test Status: FAIL (-2.25%)
gluster-jenkins at redhat.com
Fri May 20 23:29:30 UTC 2022
Test details:
RPM Location: Upstream
OS Version: Red-Hat-Enterprise-Linux 8.4-(Ootpa)
Baseline Gluster version: glusterfs-10.1-1.
Current Gluster version: glusterfs-20220519.e1fe88d-0.0
Intermediate Gluster version: No intermediate baseline
Test type: Largefile
Tool: fio
Volume type: Replica-3
Volume Option: Shard
FOPs Baseline DailyBuild Baseline vs DailyBuild
random-write 1746 1728 -1
random-read 2779 2494 -10
sequential-read 7249 7327 1
sequential-write 2351 2383 1
CPU Usage (%) by Servers and Clients
FOP Base_Server Current_Server Base vs Current Base_Client Current_Client Base vs Current
NOTE: The CPU usage per brick process averaged out accross the servers and clients
Memory Usage by Servers and Clients in (Mbs)
FOP Base_Server Current_Server Base vs Current Base_Client Current_Client Base vs Current
NOTE: The memory usage per brick process averaged out accross the servers and clients
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