[Gluster-devel] Introduce GD_OP_VERSION_5_10 and increase GD_OP_VERSION_MAX to this version

David Spisla spisla80 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 29 10:09:34 UTC 2020

Hello Atin,
thank you. It working fine!

Am Mi., 29. Jan. 2020 um 10:15 Uhr schrieb Atin Mukherjee <
atin.mukherjee83 at gmail.com>:

> There’s no hard requirement to have an op-version tagged against a release
> until and unless you introduce a new volume option. What you need to do is
> introduce a new macro with a higher value than max op version and set the
> max op version value to the same - just like how a new volume option is
> introduced. If you introduce a new macro with a value lower than max op
> version you’re calling for a trouble with backward compatibility and
> managing heterogeneous cluster.
> On Wed, 29 Jan 2020 at 14:28, David Spisla <spisla80 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Gluster Devels,
>> i am using gluster 5.10 and want to introduce a new volume option.
>> Therefore I want to set a proper GD_OP_VERSION for it. In gluster 5.10
>> source code there is no macro defined for 51000.
>> But concurrently the GD_OP_VERSION_MAX is set to 50400. I would do
>> something like this:
>> 1. Change in libglusterfs/src/globals-h (line 47)
>> #define GD_OP_VERSION_MAX
>>      \
>>     GD_OP_VERSION_5_10
>> 2. Add line to same Header file:
>> #define GD_OP_VERSION_5_10 51000 /* Op-version for GlusterFS 5.10 */
>> Do you think this is fine?
>> 3. libglusterfs/src/common-utils.c (line 2036):
>> On the other side there is a if-branch which uses GD_OP_VERSION_5_4 which
>> is currently the GD_OP_VERSION_MAX. Why it is used here and should I
>> increase it also to GD_OP_VERSION_5_10?
>> Regards
>> David Spisla
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> --Atin
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