[Gluster-devel] How does Gluster works - Locating files after change sin cluster

Raghavendra Talur rtalur at redhat.com
Thu Sep 5 13:02:31 UTC 2019

On Wed, Sep 4, 2019 at 5:01 AM Barak Sason Rofman <bsasonro at redhat.com>

> Hello everyone,
> I'm about to post several threads with question regarding how Gluster
> handles different scenarios.
> I'm looking for answers on architecture/design/"the is the idea" level,
> and not specifically implementation (however, it would be nice to know
> where the relevant code is).
> In this thread I want to focus on the "adding servers/bricks" scenario.
> From what I know at this point, every file that's created is given a
> 32-bit value based on it's name, and this hashing function is fixed and
> independent of any factors.
> Next, there is a function (a routing method), located on the client side,
> that *is* dependent on outside factors, such as numbers of servers (or
> bricks) in the system which determines on which server a particular file is
> located.
> Let's examine the following case:
> Assume (for simplicity's sake) that the hashing function assign values to
> file in 1-100 range (instead of 32-bit) and currently there are 4 servers
> in the cluster.
> In this case, files 1-25 would be located on server 1, 26-50 on server 2
> and so on.
> Now, if a 5th server is added to the cluster, then the ranges will change:
> files 1-20 will be located on server 1, 21-40 on server 2 and so on.
> The questions regarding this scenarios are as follows:
> 1 - Does the servers update the clients that an additional server (or
> brick) has been added to the cluster? If not, how does this happen?

Yes, addition of a brick happens through a gluster cli command that updates
the volume info in glusterd. Glusterd(the one which updated config and
other peers) update clients about this change.

2 - Does the server also know which files *should* be located on them? if
> so, does the servers create a link file (which specifies the "real"
> location of the file) for the files that are supposed to be moved (e.g.
> files 21-25) or actually move the data right away? Maybe this works in a
> completely different manner?

The addition of a brick has a step for updating the xattrs on the bricks
which marks the range for them. The creation of link files happens lazily.
Clients look up on all bricks when they don't find the file on the brick
where it is supposed to be(called hashed brick), the brick where they find
the file is called cached brick and a link file is created.

For more information on distribute mechanism refer to
For more information on how clients get update from glusterd refer to

> I have additional questions regarding this, but they are dependent om the
> answers to these question.
> Thank you all for your help.
> --
> *Barak Sason Rofman*
> Gluster Storage Development
> Red Hat Israel <https://www.redhat.com/>
> 34 Jerusalem rd. Ra'anana, 43501
> bsasonro at redhat.com <adi at redhat.com>    T: *+972-9-7692304*
> M: *+972-52-4326355*
> <https://red.ht/sig>
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