[Gluster-devel] 30-minute Gerrit Downtime on Wednesday

Nigel Babu nigelb at redhat.com
Fri May 20 10:06:46 UTC 2016


I'll be bring down Gerrit (review.gluster.org/git.gluster.org) briefly on
Wednesday from 1230 UTC to 1300 UTC. I hope to take a full backup with
gerrit stopped. I should not be writing to the instance in anyway that will
change it's behavior. It should ideally take only 5 mins, but I'd like to
keep a 30-minute window open in case of any unexpected issues.

After this step is done, we'll be able to predict how long a migration to
to postgresql will take and schedule an appropriate downtime for it.

This is part 1 of "What needs to happen" for Gerrit upgrade listed here:

-------------- next part --------------
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