[Gluster-devel] [release-3.8] Need update on the status of "gdeploy packaged for Fedora and EPEL"

Sachidananda URS surs at redhat.com
Thu May 12 05:25:36 UTC 2016

Hi Neils,

On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 11:47 PM, Niels de Vos <ndevos at redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> could you reply to this email with a status update of "gdeploy packaged
> for Fedora and EPEL" that is listed on the roadmap?
>   https://www.gluster.org/community/roadmap/3.8/
> Have you started the process of becoming a package maintainer for
> Fedora? If the package is available for Fedora we can easily include it
> in the CentOS Storage SIG. Several Gluster developers have recently
> gained the packagers permission in the Fedora project, if you need
> assistance or would like someone else to take it on, let us know as soon
> as possible.
We haven't started the process yet. We have been a bit held up in a
couple of assignments. If anyone is already a maintainer and OK to
pick this up, will be glad to help. Else, I will start this process in a
couple of weeks. If it is OK.

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