[Gluster-devel] [REMINDER] After sending a bugfix, backport it to the stable releases

Niels de Vos ndevos at redhat.com
Wed Mar 2 10:39:04 UTC 2016


As a Gluster Community we have the current practice of providing three
stable releases. These are 3.7, 3.6 and 3.5. Our users depend on all of
these releases, it is not a trivial undertaking for most of them to
upgrade their (hopefully working fine) Gluster environment to the latest
version. An installation that has been done once, is most often expected
to be running for a year or even a few.

Obviously we want our users to have the best experience we can give
them. This means that we should try to prevent users from hitting known
bugs. The simplest way to do so, is to backport bugfixes (not features!)
to all the stable branches after the patch gets merged in the master

So, my request to all developers that contribute with bugfixes, is to
think if this bugs exists in the 3.7, 3.6 and 3.5 versions too. If that
is the case, a backport to the stable release branches is highly
appreciated by all maintainers and users!

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks,

PS: We do have backport guidelines and example steps on
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