[Gluster-devel] RE : Re: iSCSI

Francis Lavalliere francis.lavalliere at gmail.com
Sat Jul 9 02:31:05 UTC 2016

Hello Prasanna,
Thank you for the deep explanations and detailled steps. I'LL jeep you posted shortly on the results 
- Francis L.

Envoyé depuis mon appareil Samsung

-------- Message d'origine --------
De : Prasanna Kalever <pkalever at redhat.com> 
Date : 16-07-08  08:13  (GMT-05:00) 
À : francis Lavalliere <francis.lavalliere at gmail.com> 
Cc : gluster-devel <gluster-devel at gluster.org> 
Objet : Re: [Gluster-devel] iSCSI 

Hi Francis,

The tcmu-runner is not available as a pre built package in Ubuntu distro, so you need to build it on your own, honestly I have not tried this on my own but the suggested solution should solve it for you.

glfs is supported from initial version of tcmu-runner, so you can take up any latest version of it.

perform cmake . -Dwith-glfs=true followed by make 

that's not all, you need to manually copy the systemd unit files (tcmu-runner.sevice) the respective directives and copy the handlers (in our case 'handler_glfs.so' to /usr/lib/tcmu-runner/) and other required conf files

take a look at the fedora rpm spec, which should be a way to follow[...]%install                                                                         make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}                                                mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/                                            install -m 644 tcmu-runner.8.gz %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/                                                                                                      %post -n libtcmu -p /sbin/ldconfig                                                                                                                                %postun -n libtcmu -p /sbin/ldconfig                                                                                                                                                                                %files                                                                           %{_bindir}/tcmu-runner                                                           %dir %{_libdir}/tcmu-runner                                                      %{_libdir}/tcmu-runner/*                                                         %{_sysconfdir}/dbus-1/system.d/tcmu-runner.conf                                  %{_datarootdir}/dbus-1/system-services/org.kernel.TCMUService1.service           %{_unitdir}/tcmu-runner.service                                                  %doc README.md                                                                   %license LICENSE                                                                 %{_mandir}/man8/tcmu-runner.8.gz                                                                                                                                                                                                                   %files -n libtcmu                                                                %{_libdir}/*.so.*                                                                                                                                                 %files -n libtcmu-devel                                                          %{_includedir}/libtcmu.h                                                         %{_includedir}/libtcmu_common.h                                                  %{_libdir}/*.so           [...]

list of things you need to do:1. do the path changes in the systemd unit file tcmu-runner.service and copy it to /lib/systemd/system/2. copy the libraries to respective paths3. mkdir and copy handler_glfs.so to /usr/lib/tcmu-runner4. copy the tcmu-runner.conf   to /etc/dbus-1/system.d/5. copy org.kernel.TCMUService1.service to /etc/dbus-1/system-services/6. make sure target_core_user is loaded and target.service is running7. run systemctl start tcmu-runner.servie
Hopefully that should work!
Looking forward for your update.
Cheers, --Prasanna

On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 3:51 AM, francis Lavalliere <francis.lavalliere at gmail.com> wrote:
I've been messing around with Gluster FS version 3.7 and 3.8.
Currently i am trying to implement iSCSI with Gluster FS.
I've installed ubuntu 16.04 and have installed various components:
I didnt found any tcmu-runner packages for ubuntu, so i manually built it using their git repository:
I've tried : cmake . -Dwith-glfs=true  and successfully installed it using make/make install..

when I do : targetcli ls  i do not see the output of the user:glfs
Here is an example of the output. I've managed to do it via fileio, but this is not the right way.targetcli lso- / ......................................................................................................................... [...]  o- backstores .............................................................................................................. [...]  | o- fileio ................................................................................................... [1 Storage Object]  | | o- testfs .................................................................................. [711.0M, /nfs/testfs.img, in use]  | o- iblock ................................................................................................... [0 Storage Object]  | o- pscsi .................................................................................................... [0 Storage Object]  | o- rd_mcp ................................................................................................... [0 Storage Object]  o- ib_srpt ........................................................................................................... [0 Targets]  o- iscsi .............................................................................................................. [1 Target]  | o- iqn.2015-04.com.example:target1 ..................................................................................... [1 TPG]  |   o- tpg1 ............................................................................................................ [enabled]  |     o- acls ........................................................................................................... [0 ACLs]  |     o- luns ............................................................................................................ [1 LUN]  |     | o- lun0 ................................................................................ [fileio/testfs (/nfs/testfs.img)]  |     o- portals ...................................................................................................... [1 Portal]  |       o- ....................................................................................... [OK, iser enabled]  o- loopback .......................................................................................................... [0 Targets]  o- qla2xxx ........................................................................................................... [0 Targets]  o- tcm_fc ............................................................................................................ [0 Targets]  o- usb_gadget ........................................................................................................ [0 Targets]

  o- vhost ............................................................................................................. [0 Targets]
Anyone would know how to make iSCSI target user:glfs show in the targetcli to be compatible with GlusterFS Directly?
Thank you.


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