[Gluster-devel] presentation slides used at devconf

Michael Scherer mscherer at redhat.com
Wed Feb 10 11:10:20 UTC 2016

Le mercredi 10 février 2016 à 12:11 +0530, Atin Mukherjee a écrit :
> It'd be better if you can send a PR to glusterdocs with the odp.

*grmbl* top post *grmlb*

I am not sure if that's a good idea to add all kind of binary files to
the git repo. Since git will store it in the repo on clone, that might
make it grow bigger with time, thus making it more and more annoying for
people cloning the repo from zero with a bad internet connexion.

Michael Scherer
Sysadmin, Community Infrastructure and Platform, OSAS

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