[Gluster-devel] [Gluster-users] GlusterFS-3.7.6-2 packages for Debian Wheezy now available

Ronny Adsetts ronny.adsetts at amazinginternet.com
Thu Feb 4 11:33:26 UTC 2016

Kaleb Keithley wrote on 04/02/2016 06:40:
> If you're a Debian Wheezy user please give the new packages a try.

Thanks for this Kaleb, I'll give it a try in the next few days.

I realise this is a newbie question but, just for my sanity, what's the best procedure to upgrade my two nodes? Ideally I'd prefer to do the upgrade without having to take the volumes offline if at all possible... thanks.


Ronny Adsetts
Technical Director
Amazing Internet Ltd, London
t: +44 20 8977 8943
w: www.amazinginternet.com

Registered office: 85 Waldegrave Park, Twickenham, TW1 4TJ
Registered in England. Company No. 4042957

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