[Gluster-devel] REMINDER: Weekly gluster community meeting today at 1200 UTC

Vijay Bellur vbellur at redhat.com
Wed Sep 23 11:41:33 UTC 2015

Hi All,

At 1200 UTC we will have the weekly Gluster Community meeting.

Meeting details:
- location: #gluster-meeting on Freenode IRC
- date: every Wednesday
- time: 12:00 UTC, 14:00 CEST, 17:30 IST
        (in your terminal, run: date -d "12:00 UTC")
- agenda: https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-community-meetings

Currently the following items are listed:
* Roll Call
* Status of last week's action items
* Gluster 3.7
* Gluster 3.8
* Gluster 3.6
* Gluster 3.5
* Gluster 4.0
* Open Floor
    - bring your own topic!

The last topic has space for additions. If you have a suitable topic to 
discuss, please add it to the agenda.

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