[Gluster-devel] FreeBSD and NetBSD builds failing on master

Emmanuel Dreyfus manu at netbsd.org
Mon Nov 2 20:13:42 UTC 2015

Jeff Darcy <jdarcy at redhat.com> wrote:

> None of us can keep up with the change stream.  :(  What's the best way
> to ask, in your case?  Add you as a reviewer within Gerrit?  Separate
> email?  Anything else that would maximize efficiency when people ask for
> help?

Well an e-mail is fine. Being on the review is a bit unhelpful since
that does not explain the problem encountered.
> Also, you're still only one person whose responsibilities include much
> more than Gluster.  Several others have picked up bits and pieces of
> knowledge about how to make sure things work on *BSD.  How do we make
> sure they are also aware of "BSD blockers" in areas they might not be
> watching?  Would a separate Gerrit flag for BSD verification help?  Or a
> gluster-bsd mailing list?

Well, the regression tests are supposed to catch problems, and I can
help fixing them if people ask for help.

Emmanuel Dreyfus
manu at netbsd.org

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