[Gluster-devel] [Gluster-users] Does anyone care if GlusterFS 3.7 does not work on older distributions?

Prasun Gera prasun.gera at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 19:34:14 UTC 2015

Client side support for 3.7 natively or through compatibility with the 3.6
on Precise would be great. We have a few RHSS servers, which will
presumably get upgraded to GlusterFS3.7 around the end of the year. We have
a bunch of Precise clients which are right now using the 3.5 client from
the ppa. If their life can be stretched for another year or so by 3.6/3.7
client ppas, that would be much appreciated.

Minor note: The official glusterfs documentation
mentions ppa:semiosis/ubuntu-glusterfs-3.5 as the ppa for ubuntu. It looks
like this was taken down sometime last month. I guess
https://launchpad.net/~gluster has the official ppas now ? Since there was
another thread about documentation, it would be a good idea to edit this.
Also, why was the old ppa was taken down completely as opposed to making it
a mirror of the newer ones ?

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 2:48 PM, Niels de Vos <ndevos at redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> As you might have noticed, we're getting quite well along with the
> upcoming 3.7 release. There are many new features and improvements, but
> these also require additional dependencies on the Linux (and other OS)
> distributions.
> Because keeping support for older operating systems is quite time
> consuming, we would like to reduce the supported versions of operating
> systems. Some of the issues that we already noticed:
> - RHEL-5 (and clones) do not have all dependencies for the -server
>   components (already no geo-replication on EL5).
> - Ubuntu Precise has an old RDMA stack, potential other too old versions
>   of packages too (already an issue with 3.6.2).
> We try to have the glusterfs-3.6 client-side protocol compatible with
> the 3.7 server-side, but we can not guarantee that this stays possible
> longterm.
> We need to know who is planning to deploy GlusterFS 3.7 (on modern
> distributions) and would require access over the native/fuse (not
> NFS/Samba) protocol to the 3.7 servers. If there is very little
> interest, and no strong demand, we will likely not provide glusterfs-3.7
> packages for these older distributions.
> I would like to remind everyone that when GlusterFS 3.7 gets released,
> version 3.4 will become unmaintained and updating to 3.5 or newer should
> get planned rather sooner than later. Version 3.5 will be maintained
> until 4.0 (or 3.8?) gets released, which is not planned for this year
> anymore.
> If you have a strong desire for GlusterFS 3.7 clients on older
> distributions, contact us as soon as possible (definitely within the
> next two/three weeks) so that we can look into the matter. Please
> respond to this list with your explanation and requirements, or if that
> is not suitable for whatever reason, email me directly.
> Thanks,
> Niels
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