[Gluster-devel] Spurious failures? (master)

Pranith Kumar Karampuri pkarampu at redhat.com
Fri Jun 5 00:40:38 UTC 2015

On 06/05/2015 02:12 AM, Shyam wrote:
> Just checking,
> This review request: http://review.gluster.org/#/c/11073/
> Failed in the following tests:
> 1) Linux
> [20:20:16] ./tests/bugs/replicate/bug-880898.t ..
> not ok 4
This seems to be same RC as in self-heald.t where heal info is not 
failing sometimes when the brick is down.
> Failed 1/4 subtests
> [20:20:16]
> http://build.gluster.org/job/rackspace-regression-2GB-triggered/10088/consoleFull 
> 2) NetBSD (Du seems to have faced the same)
> [11:56:45] ./tests/basic/afr/sparse-file-self-heal.t ..
> not ok 52 Got "" instead of "1"
> not ok 53 Got "" instead of "1"
> not ok 54
> not ok 55 Got "2" instead of "0"
> not ok 56 Got "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" instead of 
> "b6d81b360a5672d80c27430f39153e2c"
> not ok 60 Got "0" instead of "1"
> Failed 6/64 subtests
> [11:56:45]
> http://build.gluster.org/job/rackspace-netbsd7-regression-triggered/6233/consoleFull 
There is a bug in statedump code path, If it races with STACK_RESET then 
shd seems to crash. I see the following output indicating the process died.

kill: usage: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec ... or kill -l [sigspec]

> I have not done any analysis, and also the change request should not 
> affect the paths that this test is failing on.
> Checking the logs for Linux did not throw any more light on the cause, 
> although the brick logs are not updated(?) to reflect the volume 
> create and start as per the TC in (1).
> Anyone know anything (more) about this?
> Shyam
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