[Gluster-devel] How to find total number of gluster mounts?

Raghavendra Talur rtalur at redhat.com
Wed Jun 3 06:07:58 UTC 2015

On Wednesday 03 June 2015 09:13 AM, Pranith Kumar Karampuri wrote:
> On 06/01/2015 11:07 AM, Bipin Kunal wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> >   Is there a way to find total number of gluster mounts?
> >
> >   If not, what would be the complexity for this RFE?
> >
> >   As far as I understand finding the number of fuse mount should be
> > possible but seems unfeasible for nfs and samba mounts.
> True. Bricks have connections from each of the clients. Each of
> fuse/nfs/glustershd/quotad/glfsapi-based-clients(samba/glfsheal) would
> have separate client-context set on the bricks. So We can get this
> information. But like you said I am not sure how it can be done in nfs
> server/samba. Adding more people.

Depends on why you would want to know about the clients:

1. For most of the use cases, admin might just need to know how many
Samba/NFS servers are currently using the given volume(Say just to perform umount everywhere).
In this case, each Samba/NFS server is just like a FUSE mount and we can use the same
technique that we would use for the above case that Pranith has mentioned.

2. If the requirement is to identify all the machines which are accessing a volume,
(probable use case:- you may want a end-user to close a file etc)
above method won't be sufficient. To get details of SMB clients, you would have to
run 'smbstatus' command on all SMB server nodes and it would output details of
connected SMB clients in this format.
PID     Username      Group         Machine            Protocol Version     Service      pid     machine       Connected at

Raghavendra Talur
> Pranith
> >
> >   Please let me know your precious thoughts on this.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Bipin Kunal
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