[Gluster-devel] New tracker for glusterfs-3.7.2

Niels de Vos ndevos at redhat.com
Tue Jun 2 09:50:14 UTC 2015

Hi all,

all the bugs that have not made it in the 3.7.1 release have been moved
to the "glusterfs-3.7.2" tracker. New bugs that should get fixed in
3.7.2 should get "glusterfs-3.7.2" in the "blocks" field.

Note that only bugs with version 3.7.x are valid for blocking the
glusterfs-3.7.2 tracker. You will also need a bug filed against the
"mainline" version to get the patches into the "master" branch. The bug
against "mainline" is a blocker for the 3.7.x clone, and the ONLY the
3.7.x clone should be blocking "glusterfs-3.7.2".

The dependency tree of glusterfs-3.7.2 can be found here:


Let me know if there are any questions,

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