[Gluster-devel] Quota problems without a way of fixing them

Joe Julian joe at julianfamily.org
Thu Jan 22 05:46:39 UTC 2015

On 01/21/2015 09:32 PM, Raghavendra Gowdappa wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Joe Julian" <joe at julianfamily.org>
>> To: "Gluster Devel" <gluster-devel at gluster.org>
>> Cc: "Paschalis Korosoglou" <pkoro at grid.auth.gr>
>> Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 12:54:44 AM
>> Subject: [Gluster-devel] Quota problems without a way of fixing them
>> Paschalis (PeterA in #gluster) has reported these bugs and we've tried to
>> find the source of the problem to no avail. Worse yet, there's no way to
>> just reset the quotas to match what's actually there, as far as I can tell.
>> What should we look for to isolate the source of this problem since this is a
>> production system with enough activity to make isolating the repro difficult
>> at best, and debug logs have enough noise to make isolation nearly
>> impossible?
>> Finally, isn't there some simple way to trigger quota to rescan a path to
>> reset trusted.glusterfs.quota.size ?
> 1. Delete following xattrs from all the files/directories on all the bricks
>     a) trusted.glusterfs.quota.size
>     b) trusted.glusterfs.quota.*.contri
>     c) trusted.glusterfs.quota.dirty
> 2. Turn off md-cache
>     # gluster volume set <volname> performance.stat-prefetch off
> 3. Mount glusterfs asking not to use readdirp instead of readdir
>     # mount -t glusterfs -o use-readdirp=no <volfile-server>:<volfile-id> /mnt/glusterfs
> 4. Do a crawl on the mountpoint
>     # find /mnt/glusterfs -exec stat \{} \; > /dev/null
> This should correct the accounting on bricks. Once done, you should see correct values in quota list output. Please let us know if it doesn't work for you.

But that could be a months-long process with the size of many of our 
users volumes. There should be a way to do this with a single directory 

>> His production system has been unmanageable for months now. It is possible
>> for someone spare some cycles to get this looked at?
>> 2013-03-04 - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=917901
>> 2013-10-24 - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1023134
> We are working on these bugs. We'll update on the bugzilla once we find anything substantial.

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