[Gluster-devel] OperatingVersion in 3.6.1

James purpleidea at gmail.com
Thu Jan 15 20:56:29 UTC 2015

At least two users [1] are reporting that the operating version [2]
should be 30600 in 3.6.1 and not 30601 as convention might have it.

I don't care either way actually, but I just wanted to confirm this
isn't a bug in 3.6.1 so that I can patch puppet-gluster correctly.



15:05 < jackdpeterson> @purpleidea cc JoeJulian 
15:12 < partner> i can confirm the version is 30600 on debian jessie
aswell for 
15:14 < partner> and if i manually edit it to 30601 as was done on gist
                 the symptoms are the same ie. fails to start up the
15:27 < purpleidea> partner: thanks for the info...
15:27 < purpleidea> JoeJulian is going to flip over this ;)


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