[Gluster-devel] [Gluster-users] Trying to use gluster using Virtual IP.

Sergio Traldi sergio.traldi at pd.infn.it
Mon Jan 12 14:06:54 UTC 2015

Hi David,
thaks for the answer, but if I use the IP and one controller fall down 
(i.e. controller1) I can see from the client when I make a ll command of 
gluster volume just the files present in brick2 "exported" by controller2.

The iscsi can be access from multiple host, but we can not write from 2 
hosts (controller1 and controller2) in the same LUN at the same time 
(filesystem is not cluster like OCFS or GPFS) but if controller1 is 
powered off, the controller2 can write to brick1 attached via iscsi so 
the client when I do a ll command on the gluster volume display the 
entire volume made of brick1 and brick2.
We would like to use VIP to not reconfigure the volume if one controller 
fall down.

I try to do an example.
We have controller1 and controller2
If I create the volume like this:
gluster volume create volume1 transport tcp

If controller1 fall down in all the client we see just the data store in 
/data/brick2/sdb and if I want to the the files in brick1 I have to 
reconfigure like: (using IP fo controller2 for the 2 bricks)
gluster volume create volume1 transport tcp

If we succeed to our configuration we could have this:
We have controller1 with VIP and controller2 with VIP

We can create the volume like this:
gluster volume create volume1 transport tcp

If controller1 fall down the keepalived chage the into and the /data/brick1/sda starts to be manage from 
controller2 and the client see the entire volume and all files in brick1 
and brick2 without any reconfiguration.

I hope I have clarified what we would like to do.

On 01/12/2015 02:14 PM, David Gibbons wrote:
> I use VIPs and keepalived on my production configuration as well. You 
> don't want to peer probe with the VIP. You want to peer probe with the 
> actual IP. The VIP is merely a forwarding-facing mechanism for clients 
> to connect to, and that's why it fails between your gluster peers. The 
> peers themselves already know how to handle failover in a more 
> graceful way than a VIP :).
> Remove the peers then re-probe with the actual IP instead of the VIP. 
> The VIP is just for clients.
> Cheers,
> Dave
> On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 7:57 AM, Sergio Traldi 
> <sergio.traldi at pd.infn.it <mailto:sergio.traldi at pd.infn.it>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     We have a SAN with 14 TB of disks space and we have 2 controllers
>     attached to this SAN.
>     We want to use this storage using gluster.
>     Our goal is to use this storage in high availability, i.e. we want
>     to keep using all the storage even if there are some problems with
>     one of the controllers.
>     Our idea is the following:
>     - Create 2 LUN
>     - Attach via iscsi the 2 LUN to each Controller Hosts.
>     - Create a brick on each controller node (brick1 for Controller1
>     and brick2 for Controller2)
>     - Make the login so each controller are able to mount disk1 to
>     brick1 and disk2 to brick2.
>     - Install keepalived (a routing software where its main goal is to
>     provide simple and robust facilities for loadbalancing and
>     high-availability to Linux).
>     - Create 2 VIP (Virtual IP) one for controller 1 and the other for
>     controller 2. So the situation would be:
>       o Controller1 with his IP (IP1) would have also a VIP (VIP1)
>     with 2 iscsi disks mounted but just one in R/W mode used (brick1).
>       o Controller2 with his IP (IP2)and a VIP (VIP2) with 2 iscsi
>     disksmounted but just one in R/W mode used (brick2).
>     - The glusterfs volume would be mounted on the client in
>     fail-over, i.e. in the fstab there would be something like:
>     VIP1:/volume /var/lib/nova/instances glusterfs defaults,log-le
>     vel=ERROR,_netdev,backup-volfile-servers=VIP2 0 0
>     - Keepalived would be configured to change VIP1 to IP2 if
>     controller1 e.g. has to be shutdown. The same for VIP2.
>     This VIP change should hopefully not impact the operations on the
>     client
>     We are trying this setting but when we try to create a volume:
>     gluster volume create testvolume transport tcp
>     VIP1:/data/brick1/sda VIP2:/data/brick2/sdb
>     we obtain this error:
>     volume create: testvolume : failed: Host VIP2 is not in 'Peer in
>     Cluster' state
>     But if we try :
>     [controller1]# gluster peer status
>     Number of Peers: 1
>     Hostname: VIP2
>     Uuid: 6692a700-4c41-4e8d-8810-48f9d1ee9315
>     State: Accepted peer request (Connected)
>     [controller2]# gluster peer status
>     Number of Peers: 1
>     Hostname: IP1
>     Uuid: 074e9eea-6bf5-4ac8-8ac9-d1159bb4d452
>     State: Accepted peer request (Disconnected)
>     If we try to:
>     [controller2]# gluster peer probe VIP1
>     we obtain this error:
>     peer probe: failed: Probe returned with unknown errno 107
>     Any idea how I can not create a volume with two virtual IP?
>     Thinking it could be a DNS problem I try also to put in /etc/hosts
>     this lines:
>     VIP1 controller1.mydomain controller1
>     VIP2 controller2.mydomain controller2
>     In each controller.
>     In the log file of controller2 I just found:
>     [2015-01-12 11:42:47.549545] E
>     [glusterd-handshake.c:1644:__glusterd_mgmt_hndsk_version_cbk]
>     0-management: failed to get the 'versions' from peer (IP1:24007)
>     In the log file of cotnroller1 I just found:
>     [2015-01-12 11:44:44.229600] E
>     [glusterd-handshake.c:914:gd_validate_mgmt_hndsk_req]
>     0-management: Rejecting management handshake request from unknown
>     peer IP2:1018
>     [2015-01-12 11:44:47.234863] E
>     [glusterd-handshake.c:914:gd_validate_mgmt_hndsk_req]
>     0-management: Rejecting management handshake request from unknown
>     peer IP2:1017
>     [2015-01-12 11:44:50.240324] E
>     [glusterd-handshake.c:914:gd_validate_mgmt_hndsk_req]
>     0-management: Rejecting management handshake request from unknown
>     peer IP2:1001
>     If I try a telnet:
>     [controller2]# telnet VIP1 24007
>     and
>     [controller1]# telnet VIP2 24007
>     they work fine.
>     Any idea if it is possible create a volume using VIPs and not IPs?
>     Cheers
>     Sergio
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