[Gluster-devel] Object Quota feature proposal for GlusterFS-3.7

Vijaikumar M vmallika at redhat.com
Tue Feb 17 11:52:34 UTC 2015

Hi All,

We are proposing files/objects quota feature for GlusterFS-3.7.

Here is the feature page: 

'Object Quotas' is an enhancement to the existing 'File Usage Quotas' 
and has the following benefits:

  * Easy to query number of objects present in a volume.
  * Can serve as an accounting mechanism for quota enforcement based on
    number of Inodes.
  * This interface will be useful for integration with OpenStack Swift
    and Ceilometer.

We can set the following Quota object limits, similar to file usage:

  * 1) Directory level - limit the number of files at the directory level
  * 2) Volume level - limit the number of files at the volume level

Looking forward for Question/Feedback.


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