[Gluster-devel] [Gluster-infra] Possibility to move our Jenkins setup to the CentOS Jenkins infra

Lalatendu Mohanty lmohanty at redhat.com
Mon Feb 2 21:14:12 UTC 2015

On 02/02/2015 12:25 PM, Niels de Vos wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 07:43:39AM -0500, Justin Clift wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> One of the things which has been a fair drag for the developer part of
>> the Gluster Community, is maintaining our own Jenkins infrastructure.
>> When chatting with the CentOS guys (pre-FOSDEM) the other day, there is
>> the possibility we could use their Jenkins infrastructure instead.
>> They have a *bunch* of physical nodes (100+), and several other projects
>> are using it as well (Ceph, and others).
>> This would potentially make things easier for us, and they're not limited
>> to running things on CentOS either.  They already have FreeBSD nodes,
>> and don't foresee problems with getting NetBSD up and running.
>> At the moment, I'm kind of having the opinion this could be a good
>> way forward, and we should probably try out our smoke/regression scripting
>> on their setup to see if it's workable.
>> And if it turns out to be, then great, and we migrate all of our jenkins
>> there then decommission ours (including the master. :)
>> What do people reckon?
> Sounds good to me in general. Is there a document that describes their
> Jenkins setupi (like provisioning of the slaves)? Note that we do not
> (yet) have a way of automated multi-host tests in Jenkins, but that
> should be looked into one day.  Also, is it possible for Gluster
> Community members to log into a Jenkins slave and troubleshoot specific
> failures?
> Thanks,
> Niels

+1. We just need to make sure, CentOS would give required access to 
gluster community members even if they are not doing anything in CentOS 

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