[Gluster-devel] Non-Uniform opErrstr output in all gluster --xml commands

Avra Sengupta asengupt at redhat.com
Wed Aug 5 09:28:00 UTC 2015


As reported in https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1218732, in 
the event where there is no opErrstr, some gluster commands'(like 
snapshot status, volume status etc.) xml output shows 
"<opErrstr>(null)</opErrstr>", while other commands show just 
"<opErrstr/>". This non-uniform output is troublesome for people who 
parse this.

IMHO showing "<opErrstr>(null)</opErrstr>" is much more descriptive. I 
would like to propose making sure all commands follow this uniform 
approach, instead of displaying just "<opErrstr/>".


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