[Gluster-devel] Cleaning some old build job on jenkins ?

Michael Scherer mscherer at redhat.com
Tue Aug 4 14:22:47 UTC 2015


(resending from gluster-infra)

so while fiddling around with jenkins interface (<autopromotion>now in
ssl</autopromotion>), I wondered about cleaning the following jobs:

- cmockery2

- kerbauth-pre-commit-19
- kerbauth-builds-f19

- glusterfs-unittests
- glusterfs-rpms-el6-nsr
- glusterfs-rpms-nsr
- glusterfs-devrpms-el6-nsr

- GlusterFS-hadoop

- rh-bugid

who have not been fixed since more than 1 year, or not run since 1 year

Would anyone be against removing them ?

( so far, on irc, people said "go for it", but I want to make sure we do
not miss anything )

It would make the interface less cluttered, and help refactoring the
current test.

If no one is against, i will do it next week.

Michael Scherer
Sysadmin, Community Infrastructure and Platform, OSAS

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