[Gluster-devel] regressions on release-3.7 ?

Jeff Darcy jdarcy at redhat.com
Mon Apr 20 17:09:04 UTC 2015

> Are you meaning deleting the tests temporarily (to let other stuff
> pass without being held up by it), or permanently?

Kind of both.  I think the tests should be deleted so they don't
interfere with other work, but that means we'll have features without
tests.  Lack of a test should be considered a release blocker just as
surely as lack of the feature itself.  Therefore, either fixing the old
tests or developing new ones should be a very high priority.

> That makes sense to me... as long as any temporarily-deleted-tests
> have their root cause(s) found and fixed before we release 3.7. :)

Exactly.  We can't release until we can test.  Whether we can't test
because the tests are broken or because the tests are absent, the result
is the same.  New/fixed tests should be required before we can release.

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