[Gluster-devel] With what code/tree should the regression tests be run?

Humble Devassy Chirammal humble.devassy at gmail.com
Sun Nov 16 05:15:50 UTC 2014

I do believe "(a)" looks to be the correct way to go.



On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 4:52 PM, Niels de Vos <ndevos at redhat.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 11:46:46AM +0530, RAGHAVENDRA TALUR wrote:
> > I could not reply to this thread yesterday.
> > Earlier, test system used to take care of the rebase.
> > However, it worked here only after I did a manual
> > rebase on my machine and updated gerrit.
> Indeed, and I have noticed that too. I remember being able to just
> resubmit the failed regression tests, and the change would be rebased on
> top of HEAD of the branch. To me, that also looks a safer way of going
> things, (relatively) old patches can be tested easier that way.
> I suspect that this change came with the triggered regression testing,
> but I have not checked that. Do others have an opionion on with what
> code the regression tests should be executed? Currently I am aware of
> two possible ways:
> a. checkout the HEAD of the branch and cherry-pick the change on top
> b. checkout the change (use the tree from the time the change was
>    posted)
> (b) seems to be the current way, my preference would go to (a).
> Please voice your opinions. Thanks,
> Niels
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