[Gluster-devel] Planning for GlusterFS 3.7 and 4.0

Vijay Bellur vbellur at redhat.com
Wed Nov 12 13:05:52 UTC 2014


We are excited to announce the launch of planning for GlusterFS 3.7 and 
GlusterFS 4.0 releases!

GlusterFS 3.7 will continue the work already ongoing in the 3.x 
series,extending the current architecture and foundations to their 
limits. We expect 3.7 to be released in April 2015. Details on schedule 
& proposed features for 3.7 can be found in the planning page dedicated 
to it [1].

We have been discussing about the next big evolution to GlusterFS in 
these forums in the past. GlusterFS 4.0 represents that revolutionary 
approach. New features that require changing or replacing current core 
infrastructure, or are otherwise too complex to achieve incrementally, 
will appear here. Jeff Darcy will be leading the technical efforts for 
4.0. More details on 4.0 will appear in the planning page for it [2].

We look forward to work with all of you to shape the content for these 
releases. The recently concluded GlusterFS survey has given us good 
insights about what we need to build as a community but more suggestions 
& help in building those features to make GlusterFS better would be very 


[1] http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Planning37

[2] http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Planning40

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