[Gluster-devel] How about replacing old versions in Bugzilla by "deprecated"

Niels de Vos ndevos at redhat.com
Sun Nov 9 11:53:48 UTC 2014


we've been working on triaging bugs against unsupported versions. I
think we would do our community users a favour if we have a "deprecated"
or "old unsupported" version in Bugzilla. There should be no need for
users to select old versions that we do not update anymore.

There are still many bugs that need checking and some form of an update
in them. Everything bug that is <= 3.3 could be moved to the unsupported
version to at least get a generic message out.

http://goo.gl/IA7zaq contains a report of all open bugs/versions. Many
of the old bugs are feature requests, and just need to be labeled as
such and moved to the "mainline" version. Others could possibly get
closed as a duplicate in case there is a fix in the current releases.

Do you think that this is a good, or bad idea? Please let us know
before, or during the next Bug Triage meeting on Tuesday 12:00 UTC:
- https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-bug-triage

Responses by email are welcome, additional visitors that voice their
opinion during the IRC meeting would be appreciated too.


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