[Gluster-devel] Fwd: New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for GlusterFS

Lalatendu Mohanty lmohanty at redhat.com
Wed Mar 26 07:02:29 UTC 2014


All new reported issues are from afr recent merge. I haven't gone 
through them, but if anyone some time, please go through them.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for GlusterFS
Date: 	Tue, 25 Mar 2014 23:50:48 -0700
From: 	scan-admin at coverity.com


Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to GlusterFS found with Coverity Scan.

Defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
Showing 12 of 12 defect(s)

** CID 1194648:  Dereference after null check  (FORWARD_NULL)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-inode-write.c: 54 in __afr_inode_write_finalize()

** CID 1194647:  Dereference after null check  (FORWARD_NULL)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-dir-write.c: 1125 in afr_rename()

** CID 1194651:  Data race condition  (MISSING_LOCK)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-dir-write.c: 141 in __afr_dir_write_finalize()

** CID 1194650:  Data race condition  (MISSING_LOCK)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-inode-write.c: 96 in __afr_inode_write_finalize()

** CID 1194649:  Data race condition  (MISSING_LOCK)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-inode-write.c: 180 in afr_writev_copy_outvars()

** CID 1194652:  Dereference null return value  (NULL_RETURNS)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-inode-write.c: 670 in afr_ftruncate()

** CID 1194653:  Resource leak  (RESOURCE_LEAK)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-self-heal-entry.c: 191 in afr_selfheal_newentry_mark()
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-self-heal-entry.c: 174 in afr_selfheal_newentry_mark()

** CID 1194643:  Unchecked return value  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-common.c: 491 in afr_selfheal_enabled()

** CID 1194642:  Unchecked return value  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-common.c: 467 in afr_refresh_selfheal_wrap()

** CID 1194644:  Operands don't affect result  (CONSTANT_EXPRESSION_RESULT)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-self-heald.c: 1138 in afr_xl_op()

** CID 1194645:  Copy-paste error  (COPY_PASTE_ERROR)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-common.c: 1629 in afr_discover_do()

** CID 1194646:  Logically dead code  (DEADCODE)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/pump.c: 1448 in pump_getxattr()

*** CID 1194648:  Dereference after null check  (FORWARD_NULL)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-inode-write.c: 54 in __afr_inode_write_finalize()
48     	int read_subvol = 0;
49     	int i = 0;
51     	local = frame->local;
52     	priv = this->private;
>>>     CID 1194648:  Dereference after null check  (FORWARD_NULL)
>>>     Comparing "local->inode" to null implies that "local->inode" might be null.
54     	if (local->inode) {
55     		if (local->transaction.type == AFR_METADATA_TRANSACTION)
56     			read_subvol = afr_metadata_subvol_get (local->inode, this,
57     							       NULL, NULL);
58     		else
59     			read_subvol = afr_data_subvol_get (local->inode, this,

*** CID 1194647:  Dereference after null check  (FORWARD_NULL)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-dir-write.c: 1125 in afr_rename()
1119             QUORUM_CHECK(rename,out);
1121             transaction_frame = copy_frame (frame);
1122             if (!transaction_frame)
1123                     op_errno = ENOMEM;
>>>     CID 1194647:  Dereference after null check  (FORWARD_NULL)
>>>     Dereferencing null pointer "transaction_frame".
1125     	local = AFR_FRAME_INIT (transaction_frame, op_errno);
1126     	if (!local)
1127     		goto out;
1129             loc_copy (&local->loc,    oldloc);
1130             loc_copy (&local->newloc, newloc);

*** CID 1194651:  Data race condition  (MISSING_LOCK)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-dir-write.c: 141 in __afr_dir_write_finalize()
135     				local->replies[i].postparent;
136     			local->cont.dir_fop.prenewparent =
137     				local->replies[i].preparent2;
138     			local->cont.dir_fop.postnewparent =
139     				local->replies[i].postparent2;
140     			if (local->replies[i].xdata)
>>>     CID 1194651:  Data race condition  (MISSING_LOCK)
>>>     Accessing "local->xdata_rsp" without holding lock "_call_frame_t.lock". Elsewhere, "local->xdata_rsp" is accessed with "_call_frame_t.lock" held 14 out of 18 times.
141     				local->xdata_rsp =
142     					dict_ref (local->replies[i].xdata);
143     			continue;
144     		}
146     		if (i == inode_read_subvol) {

*** CID 1194650:  Data race condition  (MISSING_LOCK)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-inode-write.c: 96 in __afr_inode_write_finalize()
90     			local->cont.inode_wfop.postbuf =
91     				local->replies[i].poststat;
93     			if (local->replies[i].xdata) {
94     				if (local->xdata_rsp)
95     					dict_unref (local->xdata_rsp);
>>>     CID 1194650:  Data race condition  (MISSING_LOCK)
>>>     Accessing "local->xdata_rsp" without holding lock "_call_frame_t.lock". Elsewhere, "local->xdata_rsp" is accessed with "_call_frame_t.lock" held 14 out of 18 times.
96     				local->xdata_rsp =
97     					dict_ref (local->replies[i].xdata);
98     			}
99     		}
100     	}
101     }

*** CID 1194649:  Data race condition  (MISSING_LOCK)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-inode-write.c: 180 in afr_writev_copy_outvars()
175             dst_local->op_ret = src_local->op_ret;
176             dst_local->op_errno = src_local->op_errno;
177             dst_local->cont.inode_wfop.prebuf = src_local->cont.inode_wfop.prebuf;
178             dst_local->cont.inode_wfop.postbuf = src_local->cont.inode_wfop.postbuf;
179     	if (src_local->xdata_rsp)
>>>     CID 1194649:  Data race condition  (MISSING_LOCK)
>>>     Accessing "dst_local->xdata_rsp" without holding lock "_call_frame_t.lock". Elsewhere, "dst_local->xdata_rsp" is accessed with "_call_frame_t.lock" held 14 out of 18 times.
180     		dst_local->xdata_rsp = dict_ref (src_local->xdata_rsp);
181     }
183     void
184     afr_writev_unwind (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this)
185     {

*** CID 1194652:  Dereference null return value  (NULL_RETURNS)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-inode-write.c: 670 in afr_ftruncate()
664             QUORUM_CHECK(ftruncate,out);
666     	transaction_frame = copy_frame (frame);
667     	if (!frame)
668     		goto out;
>>>     CID 1194652:  Dereference null return value  (NULL_RETURNS)
>>>     Dereferencing a null pointer "transaction_frame".
670             local = AFR_FRAME_INIT (transaction_frame, op_errno);
671             if (!local)
672     		goto out;
674             local->cont.ftruncate.offset  = offset;
675     	if (xdata)

*** CID 1194653:  Resource leak  (RESOURCE_LEAK)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-self-heal-entry.c: 191 in afr_selfheal_newentry_mark()
185     		if (!sources[i])
186     			continue;
187     		afr_selfheal_post_op (frame, this, inode, i, xattr);
188     	}
190     	dict_unref (xattr);
>>>     CID 1194653:  Resource leak  (RESOURCE_LEAK)
>>>     Variable "changelog" going out of scope leaks the storage it points to.
191     	return ret;
192     }
195     static int
196     __afr_selfheal_heal_dirent (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, fd_t *fd,
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-self-heal-entry.c: 174 in afr_selfheal_newentry_mark()
168     	uuid_copy (inode->gfid, replies[source].poststat.ia_gfid);
170     	changelog = afr_matrix_create (priv->child_count, AFR_NUM_CHANGE_LOGS);
172     	xattr = dict_new();
173     	if (!xattr)
>>>     CID 1194653:  Resource leak  (RESOURCE_LEAK)
>>>     Variable "changelog" going out of scope leaks the storage it points to.
174     		return -ENOMEM;
176     	for (i = 0; i < priv->child_count; i++) {
177     		if (!newentry[i])
178     			continue;
179     		changelog[i][idx] = hton32(1);

*** CID 1194643:  Unchecked return value  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-common.c: 491 in afr_selfheal_enabled()
485     {
486     	afr_private_t *priv = NULL;
487     	gf_boolean_t data = _gf_false;
489     	priv = this->private;
>>>     CID 1194643:  Unchecked return value  (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     No check of the return value of "gf_string2boolean(priv->data_self_heal, &data)".
491     	gf_string2boolean (priv->data_self_heal, &data);
493     	return data || priv->metadata_self_heal || priv->entry_self_heal;
494     }

*** CID 1194642:  Unchecked return value  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-common.c: 467 in afr_refresh_selfheal_wrap()
462     	local = frame->local;
463     	this = frame->this;
465     	afr_selfheal (frame->this, local->refreshinode->gfid);
>>>     CID 1194642:  Unchecked return value  (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     No check of the return value of "afr_selfheal_unlocked_discover(frame, local->refreshinode, local->refreshinode->gfid, local->replies)".
467     	afr_selfheal_unlocked_discover (frame, local->refreshinode,
468     					local->refreshinode->gfid,
469     					local->replies);
471     	afr_replies_interpret (frame, this, local->refreshinode);

*** CID 1194644:  Operands don't affect result  (CONSTANT_EXPRESSION_RESULT)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-self-heald.c: 1138 in afr_xl_op()
1132     	int64_t cnt = 0;
1134     	priv = this->private;
1135     	shd = &priv->shd;
1137     	for (i = 0; i < priv->child_count; i++)
>>>     CID 1194644:  Operands don't affect result  (CONSTANT_EXPRESSION_RESULT)
>>>     "priv->child_up[i] == -1" is always false regardless of the values of its operands. This occurs as the logical operand of if.
1138     		if (priv->child_up[i] == -1)
1139     			goto out;
1141             ret = dict_get_int32 (input, "xl-op", (int32_t*)&op);
1142             if (ret)
1143                     goto out;

*** CID 1194645:  Copy-paste error  (COPY_PASTE_ERROR)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/afr-common.c: 1629 in afr_discover_do()
1624     	local = frame->local;
1625     	priv = this->private;
1627     	if (err) {
1628     		local->op_errno = -err;
>>>     CID 1194645:  Copy-paste error  (COPY_PASTE_ERROR)
>>>     "ret" in "ret = -1" looks like a copy-paste error.  Should it say "err" instead?
1629     		ret = -1;
1630     		goto out;
1631     	}
1633     	call_count = local->call_count = AFR_COUNT (local->child_up,
1634     						    priv->child_count);

*** CID 1194646:  Logically dead code  (DEADCODE)
/xlators/cluster/afr/src/pump.c: 1448 in pump_getxattr()
1443     	afr_getxattr (frame, this, loc, name, xdata);
1445     	ret = 0;
1446     out:
1447     	if (ret < 0)
>>>     CID 1194646:  Logically dead code  (DEADCODE)
>>>     Execution cannot reach this statement "do  {
   afr_local_t *__loca...".
1448     		AFR_STACK_UNWIND (getxattr, frame, -1, op_errno, NULL, NULL);
1449     	return 0;
1450     }
1452     int
1453     pump_command_reply (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this)

To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, http://scan.coverity.com/projects/987?tab=Overview

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