[Gluster-devel] DHT idea: rebalance-specific layout

Jeff Darcy jdarcy at redhat.com
Mon Mar 24 14:08:49 UTC 2014

I was talking to a user about my size-weighted (or optionally 
free-space-weighted) rebalance script.  This led to thinking about ways 
to bring a system back into balance without migrating any old data, as 
some of our users already do.  Here's the example I was using.

* Four existing 1TB bricks, which are 90% full.

* One new 2TB brick, which is empty.

Therefore, total free space is 2.4TB, of which the new brick has 2.0TB. 
 If we set up the layouts so that the new brick has 5/6 of the hash 
space then as new files are added they should all reach 100% full at 
the same time without ever needing to migrate any old data.  Yay.

Unfortunately, there's still a problem.  For these kinds of users (e.g. 
CDNs) the newest data also tends to remain hottest.  What happens when 
they want to retire some of their oldest hardware?  That *does* involve 
migrating old data, and the load for that will disproportionately fall 
on the newest servers which really should be spending as much of their 
time as possible serving new content.  That's not good.

So (finally) here's the idea.  Have a *separate* set of layout values 
that are used specifically for rebalance, so that we can rebalance data 
one way even as new files are placed another way.  Let's consider a 
slightly different example.

* 4 ancient 1TB bricks, 75% full

* 16 medium-age 1.5TB bricks, also 75% full

* 4 new 2TB bricks, empty

Here's one possible way to use dual layouts:

* currently 8TB free on the medium bricks, goal is 5TB

* 4TB free on the new bricks

* set regular layout to 44% new, 55% medium

* set rebalance layout to 100% medium

This way 44% of the new files but *none* of the files from the oldest 
bricks will flow toward the newest bricks.  100% of that traffic will 
be from the oldest bricks to the medium ones, and shouldn't affect the 
newest machines at all.  This would all be a lot easier if we had 
layout inheritance or default layouts instead of every single directory 
with its own layout, but we can probably find ways to deal with that.

Any reactions?

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