[Gluster-devel] NetBSD autobuild and cmockery2

Emmanuel Dreyfus manu at netbsd.org
Wed Jul 23 13:09:57 UTC 2014


I am a bit furstrated by the status of NetBSD autobuilds: failures are
ignored for now, which makes me wonder why I spent time setting it up :-)

And ignoring it lets bugs pass through. Consider cmockery2
build: it does not work if cmockery headers and libraries and installed 
outside of default search paths. NetBSD autobuilds choke in it because
NetBSD packages are installed in /usr/pkg, but whithout any doubt we
will find som eLinux distro dropping the files in /opt.

Here is my attempt at fixing it by using pkg-config:

I need help here: that restores the build, but I also had to fiddle with
CFLAGS and LIBS, and I am not sure I did it it in the intended way. I am 
probbaly wrong since now glusterd breaks on startup because of cmockery2:
Guard block of 0xbb28e080 size=0 allocated by (null):0 at 0xbb28e070 is corrupt
ERROR: logging.c:2077 Failure!
What binaries should be linked with -lcmockery2 ?

Emmanuel Dreyfus
manu at netbsd.org

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