[Gluster-devel] Suggestions on implementing trash translator

Jiffin Thottan jthottan at redhat.com
Tue Jul 22 11:33:44 UTC 2014


There are some issues we are dealing with trash translator(see attachment for design doc).In our implementation, we create trash directory using trash translator.Thus trash directories on different bricks will have different gfids.A gfid conflict will arise.

* To deal with gfid issue we tried to create trash directory using posix translator and set fixed gfid for trash directory.And gfid conflict was solved.Is this solution feasible?

* Trash directory is a configurable option by trash translator from cli.So when we perform volume set for changing the trash directory,it will be available in trash translator's dictionary.It is not passed to posix translator(every translator will have different dictionaries for them).The only way is to make configurable option as part of posix translator.Is this a right way of implementation?

* When a trash directory is reconfigured from cli  , whether we need to perform a rename operation from old trash directory to new one or just create new trash directory?

To summarize , we trying to make posix translator as the owner of trash directory and trash translator will intercept fops like unlink,truncate .
What are your suggestions for it?   
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