[Gluster-devel] Duplicate entries and other weirdness in a 3*4 volume

Pranith Kumar Karampuri pkarampu at redhat.com
Mon Jul 21 11:49:29 UTC 2014

On 07/21/2014 05:17 PM, Anders Blomdell wrote:
> On 2014-07-21 13:36, Pranith Kumar Karampuri wrote:
>> On 07/21/2014 05:03 PM, Anders Blomdell wrote:
>>> On 2014-07-19 04:43, Pranith Kumar Karampuri wrote:
>>>> On 07/18/2014 07:57 PM, Anders Blomdell wrote:
>>>>> During testing of a 3*4 gluster (from master as of yesterday), I encountered
>>>>> two major weirdnesses:
>>>>>      1. A 'rm -rf <some_dir>' needed several invocations to finish, each time
>>>>>         reporting a number of lines like these:
>>>>>               rm: cannot remove ‘a/b/c/d/e/f’: Directory not empty
>>>>>      2. After having successfully deleted all files from the volume,
>>>>>         i have a single directory that is duplicated in gluster-fuse,
>>>>>         like this:
>>>>>       # ls -l /mnt/gluster
>>>>>            total 24
>>>>>            drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 12288 18 jul 16.17 work2/
>>>>>            drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 12288 18 jul 16.17 work2/
>>>>> any idea on how to debug this issue?
>>>> What are the steps to recreate? We need to first find what lead to this. Then probably which xlator leads to this.
>>> Would a pcap network dump + the result from 'tar -c --xattrs /brick/a/gluster'
>>> on all the hosts before and after the following commands are run be of
>>> any help:
>>>     # mount -t glusterfs gluster-host:/test /mnt/gluster
>>>     # mkdir /mnt/gluster/work2 ;
>>>     # ls /mnt/gluster
>>>     work2  work2
>> Are you using ext4?
> Yes
>> Is this on latest upstream?
> kernel is 3.14.9-200.fc20.x86_64, if that is latest upstream, I don't know.
> gluster is from master as of end of last week
> If there are known issues with ext4 i could switch to something else, but during
> the last 15 years or so, I have had very little problems with ext2/3/4, thats the
> reason for choosing it.
The problem is afrv2 + dht + ext4 offsets. Soumya and Xavier were 
working on it last I heard(CCed)

> /Anders

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