[Gluster-devel] Building base VM images for GlusterFS

James purpleidea at gmail.com
Mon Jan 20 17:51:32 UTC 2014

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 12:43 PM, John Mark Walker <jowalker at redhat.com> wrote:
> James,
> This is awesome stuff!

> I think we can use this to create live images to hand out on USB keys.
You could also use Puppet-Gluster+Vagrant to build a cluster of X
machines (say four) and then shut those down, and then save the four
images to your USB key. The cool thing is that you only need to store
one base image. The four other images work as deltas (so they're very

The one problem with either setup, is that you'd might need something
to make sure the guest network is working as expected. It's probably
fairly easy to get this all working off a stick that's plugged into
say a Fedora machine.


PS: btw 3.5.0beta works automatically with Puppet-Gluster+Vagrant.

> -JM

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