[Gluster-devel] Glusterfs Pocket Reference Guide

Lalatendu Mohanty lmohanty at redhat.com
Thu Jan 9 12:38:33 UTC 2014

On 01/09/2014 09:47 AM, Paul Cuzner wrote:
> Hi fellow gluster'ers!
> I'm putting together a Pocket Reference guide for glusterfs (draft 
> attached). It's a tri-fold document, so it should be a handy size to 
> print on card, fold up and carry around.
> I'm still validating some of the detail in there, but let me know what 
> you think ... is it helpful or not helpful? Or perhaps let me know 
> what's missing, or what could be removed?
> The attached doc is a pdf, but the original is an odt file 
> (libreoffice 4.x)

Awesome work!! :). Should we also add steps to replace a brick?  I have  
written steps below for your reference.

 1. |gluster volume add-brick /|VOLNAME NEW-BRICK|/|
 2. |gluster volume remove-brick |VOLNAME|/|BRICK|/| |start|
 3. |gluster volume remove-brick |VOLNAME|/|BRICK|/||status|
 4. |gluster volume remove-brick |VOLNAME /BRICK/| commit|

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