[Gluster-devel] [Gluster-users] RPMs for Samba 4.1.3 w/ Gluster VFS plug-in for RHEL, CentOS, etc., now available

Dan Mons dmons at cuttingedge.com.au
Fri Feb 14 01:07:44 UTC 2014


This is failing for me.  I've had the same problems after trying to build
my own vfs_glusterfs from source.  I'm certain I'm doing something stupid.

Client is a Windows Server 2008R2 64bit machine with AD authentication.

Server is CentOS 6.4, Gluster 3.4.1GA, Samba 4.1.4 with matching
samba_vfs_glusterfs as per this thread, AD authentication (sssd for the
Linux/PAM/nsswitch side, and Samba is configured as a member server).  The
Gluster volume is working fine (this is our production test/backup cluster,
and has been in operation for over a year).

Samba works fine when pointing to a local FUSE mount (this is how we run in
production today for Windows and Mac clients).  When I change to
vfs_glusterfs, it all goes wrong.

Client errors include:

Action: On Windows regular windows explorer directory browsing
Result: All good.  Much faster than regular Samba to FUSE.

Action: On Windows: Right click -> New ->  Text Document
Result: "Unable to create the file "New Text Document.txt".  The system
cannot find the file specified.

On a Linux box: dmesg > test.txt
On Windows: double-click test.txt
Result: The process cannot access the file because it is in use by another

Action: On Windows: drag and drop a text file to a share
Result: nothing (file not copied, no error dialog).

Samba logs:
[2014/02/14 10:44:52.972999,  0]
  prodbackup: Initialized volume from server localhost
[2014/02/14 10:46:31.020793,  0]
  glfs_stat(./..) failed: No data available
[2014/02/14 10:47:03.326100,  0]
  prodbackup: Initialized volume from server localhost
[2014/02/14 10:47:08.449040,  0]
  glfs_stat(./..) failed: No data available
[2014/02/14 10:48:21.007241,  0]
  prodbackup: Initialized volume from server localhost
[2014/02/14 10:48:21.068066,  0]
  glfs_stat(./..) failed: No data available
[2014/02/14 10:51:36.683883,  0]
  prodbackup: Initialized volume from server localhost
[2014/02/14 10:51:36.743577,  0]
  glfs_stat(./..) failed: No data available
[2014/02/14 10:53:14.160588,  0]
  glfs_stat(./..) failed: No data available
[2014/02/14 10:53:57.229060,  0]
  prodbackup: Initialized volume from server localhost
[2014/02/14 10:53:57.288750,  0]
  glfs_stat(./..) failed: No data available
[2014/02/14 10:54:47.062171,  0]
  prodbackup: Initialized volume from server localhost
[2014/02/14 10:54:47.121809,  0]
  glfs_stat(./..) failed: No data available
[2014/02/14 10:55:16.602058,  0]
  prodbackup: Initialized volume from server localhost
[2014/02/14 10:55:16.670562,  0]
  glfs_stat(./..) failed: No data available


        workgroup = BLAH
        server string = Samba Server Version %v
        log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
        max log size = 50
        security = ads
        passdb backend = tdbsam
        realm = BLAH
        domain master = no
        domain logons = no
        wins support = yes
        wins proxy = yes
        dns proxy = yes
        load printers = no
## Shares
        vfs object = glusterfs
        glusterfs:volume = prodbackup
        glusterfs:volfile_server = localhost
        path = /
        Comment = prodbackup
        browseable = yes
        writable = yes
        guest ok = no
        valid users = +prod
        create mask = 0660
        force create mode = 0660
        directory mask = 0770
        force directory mode = 0770
        hide dot files = no

Any pointers would be appreciated.


Dan Mons
Skunk Works
Cutting Edge

On 7 February 2014 07:12, Dan Mons <dmons at cuttingedge.com.au> wrote:

> Fantastic work, thank you.
> -Dan
> ----------------
> Dan Mons
> Skunk Works
> Cutting Edge
> http://cuttingedge.com.au
> On 6 February 2014 22:50, Kaleb KEITHLEY <kkeithle at redhat.com> wrote:
> >
> > YUM repo at http://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/samba/now has
> > el6 RPMs for RHEL6, CentOS6; along with RPMs for Fedora 18 and Fedora 19.
> >
> > Fedora 20 and Fedora 21 (rawhide) have Samba 4.1.3 by default.
> >
> > --
> >
> > Kaleb
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