[Gluster-devel] how does meta xlator work?

Emmanuel Dreyfus manu at netbsd.org
Tue Aug 12 05:36:28 UTC 2014

Anand Avati <avati at gluster.org> wrote:

> If FUSE implements proper direct_io semantics (somewhat like how O_DIRECT
> flag is handled) and allows the mode to be enabled by the FS in open_cbk,
> then I guess such a special handling of 0-byte need not be necessary?

Yes, this is how it should be done.

While there I see there is a FUSE_FOPEN_KEEP_CACHE  and
FUSE_FOPEN_NONSEEKABLE. I assume the later means seek should return an
error (which one?), but what does the first one do?

There is no real documentation about this aside from Linux kernel

Emmanuel Dreyfus
manu at netbsd.org

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