[Gluster-devel] set up a Gluster 2 node cluster in two lines of code :)

Jay Vyas jayunit100 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 29 15:18:37 UTC 2013

Hi gluster !

For those of you who need to spin up virtual gluster clusters for
development and testing:

Just finished creating a vagrantized, fully automated, totally rebuildable
and teardownable two node fedora 19 gluster setup and shared it on the

It uses fedora19 but since its all vagrant powered, you dont need to grab
or download a distro or iso or anything, just clone the git repo, run
vagrant up, and let vagrant automagically pull down and manage your base
box and set up the rest for you.

*clone it here: https://forge.gluster.org/vagrant
So what does this do? This basically means that you can spin up 2 vms ,
from scratch, by installing vagrant and then, literally, typing:

*git clone git at forge.gluster.org:vagrant/fedora19-gluster.git
cd fedora19-gluster
ln -l Vagrantfile_cluster Vagrantfile
vagrant up --provision *

Does it work? Yes !  After watching it spin up , you can ssh in to the
cluster by typing:

*vagrant ssh gluster1*

And destroy the same two node cluster by running:

*vagrant destroy*

.............................. Example

#Below : ssh into the first node, create a file, and ls it in the other
node to confirm that the cluster is working.

[jays-macbook]$ vagrant ssh gluster1

[vagrant at gluster1 ~]$ sudo touch /mnt/glusterfs/a

[vagrant at gluster1 ~]$ ssh

[vagrant at gluster2 ~]$ ls /mnt/glusterfs/

Help wanted to maintain this and make development clusters for different
gluster use cases.

- bug reporting
- testing functionality of different tuning/config options
- testing hadoop interop


Will blog post about it soon , but till then just ping me if you want to
get involved etc..

Jay Vyas
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