[Gluster-devel] [PATCH v6] vfs_glusterfs: Samba VFS module for glusterfs

Anand Avati avati at redhat.com
Sat May 25 19:40:51 UTC 2013

On 5/25/13 4:23 AM, Andrew Bartlett wrote:
> On Sat, 2013-05-25 at 05:30 -0400, Anand Avati wrote:
>> Implement a Samba VFS plugin for glusterfs based on gluster's gfapi.
>> This is a "bottom" vfs plugin (not something to be stacked on top of
>> another module), and translates (most) calls into closest actions
>> on gfapi.
>> +    if conf.CHECK_HEADERS('api/glfs.h'):
>> +        conf.DEFINE('HAVE_GLUSTERFS', '1')
>> +
>>       default_static_modules.extend(TO_LIST('''pdb_smbpasswd pdb_tdbsam pdb_wbc_sam
>>                                         auth_sam auth_unix auth_winbind auth_wbc
>>                                         auth_domain auth_builtin vfs_default
>> @@ -1797,6 +1800,9 @@ main() {
>>       if conf.CONFIG_SET("HAVE_CEPH"):
>>           default_shared_modules.extend(TO_LIST('vfs_ceph'))
>> +    if conf.CONFIG_SET('HAVE_GLUSTERFS'):
>> +        default_shared_modules.extend(TO_LIST('vfs_glusterfs'))
>> +
>>       explicit_shared_modules = TO_LIST(Options.options.shared_modules, delimiter=',')
>>       explicit_static_modules = TO_LIST(Options.options.static_modules, delimiter=',')
> I installed glusterfs-devel on my Fedora 18 system, but didn't get
> api/glfs.h anywhere.  It also seems unlikely that such header name would
> be in the default search path, so I'm wondering should we be using some
> pkg-config search to find where that would be?

The patch does have pkg-config integration in configure.in. I'm not sure 
about the waf build or how it works, so I just copied waf changes from 
other patches, and may well be broken :( Any help in fixing the waf 
changes will be helpful!

Feel free to modify the patch to make it waf compatible, or suggest 
changes for me to resubmit -- as you find convenient.


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