[Gluster-devel] mount kernel-nfsd glusterfs-nfsd at same time

Heiko L. heikol at fh-lausitz.de
Thu Jun 13 19:59:40 UTC 2013


we are run a backup-server on opensolaris with zfs exported per nfs and
on this server should also run glusterfs-server exported per nfs.
Both ways work successful separately, but not parallel.

 l2 # mount -t nfs nfsbackup:/pool_s5_3/backup/l2/ /mnt/backup
 mount.nfs: Unknown error 521

 nfsbackup # /etc/init.d/glusterd stop

It is possible to use both variants parallel?

Regards Heiko


   (osol)   glusterfs-nfsd:38467 ------------ s1 (osol)
  nfsbackup       osol-nfsd:2049 ------------ l2 (linux)

nfsbackup # gluster volume status
Status of volume: gv3
Gluster process                                         Port    Online  Pid
Brick node1:/zpool_tdedup/brick3/brick                  24011   Y       1034
Brick node2:/pool_t3/brick3/brick                       24011   Y       2775
NFS Server on localhost                                 38467   Y       1038
Self-heal Daemon on localhost                           N/A     N       1040
NFS Server on                             38467   Y       2777
Self-heal Daemon on                       N/A     N       2779

- glusterfs-nfsd-port: 38467
- solaris-nfsd-port: 2049

nfsbackup # gluster --version | head -1
glusterfs 3.3.1 built on May 23 2013 21:45:52

nfsbackup # zfs get sharenfs  pool_s5_3/backup/l2
NAME                        PROPERTY  VALUE                      SOURCE
pool_s5_3/backup/elearning  sharenfs  rw=nfsclient,root=nfsclient  local

s1 # mount nfs://nfsbackup:38467/$vol /mnt/$vol
l2 # mount -t nfs nfsbackup:/pool_s5_3/backup/l2/ /mnt/backup

[35] http://www2.fh-lausitz.de/launic/comp/sol/130430.osol.diag_make_glusterfs/130430.osol.make_glusterfs_howto.html

[39] http://www.gluster.org/pipermail/gluster-users/2010-December/029114.html
   [Gluster-users] NFS mount with AIX, Solaris, HP-UX
   cmd : mount -o proto=tcp,vers=3 nfs://ylal3020:38467:/athena /users/glusterfs_mnt

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