[Gluster-devel] Proposal for Gluster 3.5: New test framework

Justin Clift jclift at redhat.com
Mon Aug 12 17:07:17 UTC 2013

Hi all,

For Gluster 3.5, I'd like to propose we get some kind of
*multi-node* testing framework in place for Gluster.

The existing test framework is single node only, which
doesn't fit well for a distributed file system.

I've recently looked into Autotest in depth, but ruled
it out since it's:

 * Linux only (ugh)
 * Very hard to figure out for newbies
 * Close to zero documentation
 * Opaque/unreadable source
 * Painful to work with :(

Potentially we could use STAF (staf.sourceforge.net).
I've not investigated this in depth yet, but from it's
website it's:

 * Cross Platform

 * Seems like extensive documentation, and usable with
   several languages:

 * Seems like a _reasonably_ active Community

I'll put this info into a Feature Page if people think
it's worth writing up and taking further.


Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

Open Source and Standards @ Red Hat


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