[Gluster-devel] bug 851381

Jules Wang lancelotds at 163.com
Thu Sep 20 03:52:33 UTC 2012

hi, all
    When tracing  bug 851381 (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=851381),, I found following code  caused the problem:
        if ((!uuid_is_null (inode->gfid))
            && (uuid_compare (stbuf.ia_gfid, inode->gfid) != 0)) {
                gf_log (frame->this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG,
                        "gfid changed for %s", local->loc.path);
                rsp.op_ret = -1;
                op_errno = ESTALE;
                goto out;

      I could  fix it by simply changing the code to "uuid_copy(inode->gfid, stbuf.ia_gfid);", but I think throw a  error is the intended behavior.
     So, why we throw a error when gfid is changed? 

Best Regards.
Jules Wang.
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