[Gluster-devel] glusterfs-3.3.1qa2 released

Thomas Oulevey thomas.oulevey at cern.ch
Mon Sep 10 09:44:51 UTC 2012

On 08/30/2012 01:47 PM, Vijay Bellur wrote:

     > http://bits.gluster.com/pub/gluster/glusterfs/3.3.1qa2/
     > This release is made off v3.3.1qa2

    Hi Vijay,

    if you spin RPMs from these, could you make sure that you make them
    upgradable with non-qa/beta bits? The easiest to get that is to
    create a release with a preceding "0.", something like
    glusterfs-3.3.1-0.qa2. A GA release starts with 3.3.1-1 and will
    therefore be an update to the qa release.

    I'm not sure how/if this can be done with auto-tools though :-/


I think it would be great to take this comment in account, because for 
the moment upgrading from qa -> beta is quite difficult in environment 
like puppet.
Yum/rpm will always think qa > beta and not upgrade the packages.

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