[Gluster-devel] Fwd: Re: Rejected NetBSD patches

Emmanuel Dreyfus manu at netbsd.org
Tue May 1 02:18:53 UTC 2012

Kaleb S. KEITHLEY <kkeithle at redhat.com> wrote:

> I haven't seen anything so far that needs to discriminate between NetBSD
> and FreeBSD, but if we come across one, we can use __NetBSD__ and 
> __FreeBSD__ inside GF_BSD_HOST_OS.

If you look at the code, NetBSD makes is way using GF_BSD_HOST_OS or
GF_LINUX_HOST_OS, depending of the situation. NetBSD and FreeBSD forked
19 years ago, they had time to diverge.

Emmanuel Dreyfus
manu at netbsd.org

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