[Gluster-devel] Show volume topology with lsgvt

Fred van Zwieten fvzwieten at vxcompany.com
Fri Dec 28 22:36:47 UTC 2012


I have solved the reported problem and committed a new version to


On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 2:12 PM, Fred van Zwieten
<fvzwieten at vxcompany.com>wrote:

> And...the first problem is reported :-)
> Currently, it only works if you have at least distributed in your
> topology. I will let you know when that is solved.
> As a teaser, the output looks like this:
> Topology for volume vol1:
>>   ├── Stripe set 0
>   │    │
>   │    ├── Replica set 0
>   │    │    │
>   │    │    ├── Brick 0: g61.lab6.local:/bricks/brick1
>   │    │    │
>   │    │    └── Brick 1: g62.lab6.local:/bricks/brick1
>   │    │
>   │    └── Replica set 1
>   │         │
>   │         ├── Brick 2: g61.lab6.local:/bricks/brick2
>   │         │
>   │         └── Brick 3: g62.lab6.local:/bricks/brick2
>>   └── Stripe set 1
>>        ├── Replica set 2
>        │    │
>        │    ├── Brick 4: g61.lab6.local:/bricks/brick3
>        │    │
>        │    └── Brick 5: g62.lab6.local:/bricks/brick3
>>        └── Replica set 3
>>             ├── Brick 6: g61.lab6.local:/bricks/brick4
>>             └── Brick 7: g62.lab6.local:/bricks/brick4
> Fred
> On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 1:25 PM, Fred van Zwieten <fvzwieten at vxcompany.com
> > wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I have just finished writing an initial version of 'lsgvt':
>> This program shows a pretty graphical representation of a Gluster
>> volume's topology. It uses the fuse-{volname}.vol file for it's source. If
>> you do not give any parameters, it shows the topology for all the volumes,
>> otherwise it will show the topology for the given space-separated list of
>> volume names.
>> You can find it on github here <https://github.com/fvzwieten/lsgvt>.
>> Have fun with it. If you have any comments or feature requests, just let
>> me know.
>> Regards,
>> Fred van Zwieten
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