[Gluster-devel] Problem with GlusterFS quotas (Debian Wheezy/x86_64)

Hristo Hristov id at yaht.net
Mon Apr 23 13:55:35 UTC 2012

Hello Vijay,

I made the testing against the version 3.3.0 qa 37 of gluster fs with 
same cluster config. I'm pasting configuration info:

=== snip ===
muzzy:/home/lisp/work/fs/logs# gluster --version
glusterfs 3.3.0qa37 built on Apr 23 2012 13:55:08
Repository revision: git://git.gluster.com/glusterfs.git
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Gluster Inc. <http://www.gluster.com>
You may redistribute copies of GlusterFS under the terms of the GNU 
General Public License.

muzzy:/home/lisp/work/fs/logs# gluster volume info m2d

Volume Name: m2d
Type: Replicate
Volume ID: 752e6b5b-504b-46bc-be5e-498fc5f364d1
Status: Started
Number of Bricks: 1 x 2 = 2
Transport-type: tcp
Brick1: g0:/g0
Brick2: g1:/g1
Options Reconfigured:
features.quota: on
auth.allow: 194.12.*

muzzy:/home/lisp/work/fs/logs# gluster volume quota m2d list
      path          limit_set         size
/dav/64mb                  64MB              365.5MB
/cifs/64mb                 64MB              365.5MB
/dav/92mb                  92MB              365.5MB
/cifs/92mb                 92MB               0Bytes
/cifs/128mb               128MB              126.9MB
/dav/128mb                128MB               83.6MB

mount -t glusterfs g0:/m2d /mnt/m2d -o 
=== snip ===

Unfortunately, gluster's quota management behaves exactly the same way, 
like in previous version. When I set a quota limit (no matter on 
existing or not existing directory), quota limitation doesn't work, 
until net next gluster volume remount (i.e. unmount and then mount)

Please find attached log files from g0 node:

(o) g0-daemon.log
log from glusterfs daemon, run in debug mode;

(o) 0-mount-client.log.00.before-remounting
client log before remounting;

(o) g0-mount-client.log.01.after-remounting
client log after unmount, mount (i.e. remounting) sequence; then quota 
restrictions work as expected (Entries '/cifs/128mb' and '/dav/128mb' in 
upper 'gluster volume quota m2d list' quota).

All the log files are inside 3-3-0-qa-38-logs.tar.gz archive.

One more thing, could you please point me out something like a 
'big-picture-of-glusterfs-architecture' page/doc @ gluster's web site. 
I'm constantly finding a 
link, which is quite outdated :(

Hristo Hristov

On 4/23/12 1:26 PM, Vijay Bellur wrote:
> On 04/23/2012 01:17 PM, Hristo Hristov wrote:
>> Thank you for your replay. I'm sending you requested files, please
>> correct me if there is a missing one :) /debian logs its services in
>> debianish way, so I may be missing something:)/
>> (o) glusterd log from brick 0:
>> location: /var/log/glusterfs/bricks
>> name: g0.log
>> (o) native client mount log
>> name: gluster.log
>> I'll definitely try v3.3.0 release of glusterfs with same test
>> configuration. Which version I should try (i.e. which one is more
>> recent):
>> (o)
>> http://bits.gluster.com/pub/gluster/glusterfs/src/glusterfs-3.3.0qa37.tar.gz
> qa37 is more recent. That would be a good release to try this out on.
> Thanks,
> Vijay

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