[Gluster-devel] files exist but readdir do not see them

Emmanuel Dreyfus manu at netbsd.org
Mon Jul 11 11:36:58 UTC 2011

On Fri, Jul 08, 2011 at 10:37:03PM +0530, Anand Avati wrote:
> Can you check if the 'acronyms' directory has the same gfid on all 4 servers
> (from the backend)?

I tried starting up from scratch: stop/delete/create/start the volume.
I get exactly the same result.

Here is the create command:
gluster volume create gfs  replica 2  transport tcp server1:/export/wd1a
   server2:export/wd1a server1:/export/wd3a server2:/export/wd3a  

>From the client, I copied /usr/share/misc to /gfs and I get this:

client# ls /gfs/misc
acronyms        inter.phone     mdoc.template   style           units.lib
bsd-family-tree mail.help       menu_sys.def    termcap         vgrindefs.db
epsf.tex        mail.tildehelp  na.phone        terminfo.db     zipcodes
indent.pro      man.template    na.postal       texinfo.cat

client# head -1 /gfs/misc/airport
#       $NetBSD: airport,v 1.40 2011/04/28 07:32:36 mbalmer Exp $

server1# ls /export/*/*
acronyms        inter.phone     mdoc.template   style           units.lib
bsd-family-tree mail.help       menu_sys.def    termcap         vgrindefs.db
epsf.tex        mail.tildehelp  na.phone        terminfo.db     zipcodes
indent.pro      man.template    na.postal       texinfo.cat

NetBSD.el       birthtoken      flowers         operator        texinfo.tex
acronyms.comp   country         language        termcap.db      texinfo.xsl
airport         domains         magic.mgc       terminfo        usb_hid_usages
ascii           eqnchar         msg_sys.def     texinfo.dtd     vgrindefs

server2# ls /export/*/*
acronyms        mail.help       na.postal       texinfo.cat
bsd-family-tree mail.tildehelp  style           units.lib
indent.pro      menu_sys.def    termcap         vgrindefs.db
inter.phone     na.phone        terminfo.db     zipcodes

NetBSD.el       ascii           domains         magic.mgc       termcap.db
acronyms.comp   birthtoken      flowers         msg_sys.def     terminfo
airport         country         language        operator        usb_hid_usages
Emmanuel Dreyfus
manu at netbsd.org

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